hey it's Chael

Welcome to Inner Frequency.

I help people rediscover joy and meaning in their life by giving them the keys to inner awareness and outer harmony.

hey it's Chael

Welcome to Inner Frequency.

I shift people's destinies by empowering them with a deeper understanding of who they are.

There are a thousand answers to this, but there is only one true solution should you wish to change it.

know thyself

Have you ever asked yourself,

"How did my life turn out to be this way?"

There are a thousand answers to this, but there is only one true solution should you wish to change it.

know thyself

Or felt inside you

A lack of substance, an emptiness

There are a thousand answers to this, but there is only one true solution should you wish to change it.

know thyself

You're pushing hard but ...

"Why can't I be as successful as others?"

There are a thousand answers to this, but there is only one true solution should you wish to change it.

know thyself

Or questioned yourself...

"Am I really on the right career path?"

know thyself

The great Socrates from Ancient Greece taught that we should know ourselves in order to find harmony in life. This encompasses knowing our unique personality traits and elemental characteristics in relation to the environment we live in.

But Do We Really Know Ourselves?

Not quite...

Most of us have just a partial picture of who we are and who can be; we've lived our lives according to "what works".

But the human capacity is far greater than that. The human personality is vibrant and colourful beyond our understanding - even though we all look the same, with two hands and two feet.

Our inner configuration is vastly different and that makes each one of us as unique as our fingerprints.

In my decades working with clients, I have found that it is ever more important now that we find our footing on this essential question.

We are at the cusp of a modern society that will be questioning its very own identity as a civilization, as a nation, as cultures, and as individual people.

We can no longer see ourselves as individuals to be "groomed" by an "education system" in a one-size fits all manner. Our pace of societal and cultural evolution has exceeded the pace of what our conventional system is designed to support in building one of the greatest resources of all - Human Capital.

Our future lies in the very hands of the talents, leaders and contributors who serve with values and virtues that unite and synergize with each other.

For years humanity has had limiters placed on its people. We've been fit into boxes and told who we are and what we're worth. It's time for this to be undone in a structured manner.

What we need is a "self-awareness" system for people to uncover aspects of themselves they never got the chance to explore.

My mission with Inner Frequency is to bridge this gap for good.

This is the missing puzzle that every individual needs to realize, and to embark upon to find for themselves

... to know thyself.







feeling guilty







feeling disconnected

You might be experiencing these conditions, or know of friends and family members who are silently dealing with it.

And that's OK!

It just means you (and everyone else) are as human as I am...

Worthy and conscious enough to recognize, to feel, and to acknowledge what's going on within.

It's a necessary part of the process to develop more fully into your true potential.

Our Disconnectedness Shows Up In Our Life

"How can I break free once and for all?"

You already know the answer...

Many people in their latter years only come to realize how little they know about themselves, or the reality we live in. So how does one go about discovering themselves?

The Power of Intuitive Assessments

My Gift to You

Unless you're living consciously and have had moments of deep introspection ... chances are your perspective of life is coloured by the beliefs and habit patterns imprinted onto you by your upbringing and the environment.

And even if you are someone who cultivates a spiritual practice, be you a yogi or meditator, a coach ...

There is still going to be ongoing effort to learn things about yourself. There could also be blindspots.

What if there is a much faster way?

Using a trained ability known as Intuitive Access, what if I could "pluck" unique information about you such as your personality traits, tendencies, energetics out of thin air?

What I gather from here are specific information about your personality type, your elements, the yin and the yang, your chakras, and other aspects that might be revealed to me.

They call the source of this information "The Knowledge Grid" or the "Akashic Records", but the name doesn't really matter.

What matters is that the puzzle pieces when put together using the framework of Inner Frequency Configuration, would reveal a very cogent description of who a person is from a personality and energetics standpoint.

From there - information is translated into practical applications ranging from adjusting one's habits, to career paths, and aspects of personal well being.

Children and parents benefit tremendously from this.

Working professionals use this to take their career aspirations one step further.

Retirees benefit by discovering their purpose, and develop their next phase of life.

Entrepreneurs and Business Owners learn how to utilize the inner and outer configurations to more easily accomplish their goals.

Even Organizations could be put together according to these principles as I have done so over the past decade.

This in my opinion, is the easiest way to begin learning about yourself.

And the rest is meant to unfold through the choices available to you, and the decisions you make in life.

Are you looking for answers today - not tomorrow - but right now?

Are you struggling in life?

Are you feeling disconnected and lost?

Now, back to you.

Then start by discovering your Inner Frequency Configuration.

If You're Feeling Lost, here's why...

My dear one...

Our sense of feeling lost originates from a tender age when we are just as a child, a chip waiting to be downloaded with standard data and info from a homogenous educational system with a fixed curriculum and rote learning designed to churn out qualified individuals who are peer pressured to achieve popular generational goals. Some are fortunate to be given space to explore themselves beyond the realm of their formal education. Most are not.

Seemingly, no child is unique apart from their names, features, and fingerprints – which are seen as peripheral and insignificant difference. The reality is – there is a unique psychophysical InnerFrequency Configuration (IFC) in each child and individual waiting to be heard and seen, identified and personified, unlock and unfold. If these psychophysical faculties are not given a chance to be expressed via hobbies or leisure interest, this denial and repression, starvation and malnutrition of these psychophysical faculties give rise to a constant sense of being lost and disconnected, misplaced and misfitted, astrayed and alienated, and cascading in the long run to identity crisis and complexes.

It is common to see parents, along with their child, unable to decide the course of their studies. If any, their course of studies is founded on extraneous grounds and not anchored on the substantive child’s intrinsic and unique IFC (Inner Frequency Configuration). This malady continues and compounds decades of disconnectedness in their career world. The career disconnects of many careerists are more prevalent and entrenched than we dare admit.

In fact, cognitive dissonance is one of the many outcomes of these misplaced assumptions of who we truly are.

For all my old-school, academic readers, here's a more in-depth explanation (complete with the jargon and all ...)

Our disconnect starts very early in our life as a child. It continues and compounds to our adult career life even to our retirement and to the grave.

Fortunately, what is lost or buried inside will continue to stay within. They are not liable to be leaked, hijacked, stolen, or distorted by any external causes. When it is intuitively assessed and revealed, you will have a sense of awe and familiarity – like a long-lost child being welcomed home again.

Certainly, there will be piles of debris and dust, not unlike any precious metals which we may source, mine or uncover. Of course, there is a need to wash and polish this hidden treasure before they could be of value.

It may even be painstaking to filter the false from the true, the fake from the real. There will be some discomfort dumping and all too familiar lies and inconvenient truths which we have co-created and conditioned.

Are you Connected / Found?

Start Now

It is never too late. It is better late than never. The discovery of this sovereign wealth within is the most empowering and enriching experience you ever had.

We may even continue with our lots without altering an inch of our life and lifestyle, however acceptance will help us transcend and transform our disconnectedness.

The mere acknowledgement of this inner truth of IFC will immediately bring light and set us free from this dark shadow we had been dwelling in. It is a matter of time before you began to be familiar once again to who you truly are and settle to your sovereign zone of peace and freedom.

Are you Ready to Uncover?

Give it a Try